Send this ecard to all the matured ones to encourage them to stay a child at...
Rated 4.0 | 2,042 views | Liked by 100% Users
Send this ecard to all your friends you would love having fun with...
Rated 3.0 | 1,725 views | Liked by 100% Users
Thank everyone who played a significant role in your growth as an adult on this...
Rated 1.0 | 1,153 views
Send this to all the young boys and girls on the beginning of their adulthood...
Rated 3.9 | 1,036 views | Liked by 100% Users
Seijin no Hi [成人の日] or the Japanese Coming of Age Day is celebrated the...
Birthdays are never complete until you've sent happy birthday wishes to a friend or to...
Love is the most wonderful of all feelings in this world.
It’s National Chopsticks Day! Join chopsticks lovers...
Aren't birthdays and fun synonymous? Get the best funny birthday wishes to send to...
Birthday wishes definitely adds cheer on your friends' or loved ones' birthday. So go...
They are a fun couple. You really make a good foursome or if you are single, they...
It's Rose Day! So celebrate the pretty blooms and say what...
Love is in the air! Are you looking for the right words to...
Primrose and violet are the February Flowers! It is the...
Valentine's Day is a special day and it becomes all the...
Valentine's Day is the perfect time to express your love...
It's Valentine's Day! Love is in the air, it is all around...
He's your sweetheart. He's the man of your dreams. Why not...
Friends bring a smile to your face when you're sad and...
Flowers express our feelings, when we fall short of words.
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